Online Master’s in Nutrition Courses
The Human Nutrition program consists of foundational courses in human physiology and biochemistry which expand into in-depth learnings on macro and micronutrients, biochemical individuality, human development, functional assessment, and nutritional therapeutics. An integrative and holistic perspective is interwoven with an evidence-based approach to assessing and counseling a client. Take master’s in Nutrition online courses without having to leave your home, with the Nutrition MS program at University of Bridgeport.
Graduate level prerequisites
Depending on your undergraduate background, up to 9 credits of graduate-level prerequisites may be waived. Please note that prerequisite classes are available online. They do not need to be completed before admission. You can complete any remaining prerequisites during your first semester in the Nutrition program.
* The following courses may qualify for transfer credit:
NUTR 560N Anatomy & Physiology (4 credits)
May be waived by undergraduate A&P I and II (6/8 credits)
This course is a presentation of human anatomy and physiology by the systems approach, first discussing the normal anatomy followed by the physiological concepts of each system. Students also learn from one another via the Discussion Board, using peer reviewed and scholarly papers to support their answers. The first part of the course deals with the chemical, cellular, and the tissue levels of the human body. After these general concepts are completed, the remainder of the course will cover the integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems.
NUTR 560U Intro to Biochemistry (3 credits)
May be waived by 2 semesters general/organic chemistry or 1 semester biochemistry (3/4 credits)
A review of basic general chemistry topics including atomic theory, periodic law, chemical bonding, chemical reactions, kinetics, acids and bases, and organic chemistry topics including isomerism, and physiochemical properties of various functional groups. Biochemical properties of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleotides will also be discussed.
NUTR 560V Nutrition Fundamentals (2 credits)
May be waived by Introductory Nutrition (3 credits)
This course is designed to give a basic overview of the role of food in human health. Emphasis will be placed on the role of macro- and micronutrients in human health plus issues that affect this relationship. These include digestion, absorption, metabolism, and energy balance.
Core curriculum
Term 1
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NUTR 560A |
Pathophysiologic Basis of Metabolic Diseases
This course will study the underlying mechanisms of disease and the complex interrelationships between critical systems including respiratory, urinary, cardiovascular, digestive, nervous and endocrine. Concepts will include fluid and electrolyte imbalances, acid and base imbalances, inflammation, hypersensitivity, microbiome, infection, necrosis, and neoplasm. The influence of various nutrients on systemic function will be discussed as appropriate. Prerequisites: NUTR 560N, U and V
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NUTR 560M |
Evidence-Based Nutrition
The course describes the analytical approaches for searching and interpreting clinical research data reported in the literature using evidence based practice with emphasis on the application of those data in clinical practice. Biological variation, experimental design, data and fact differences, matching analysis to design, integrity in analysis, and bias in design and analysis are considered in detail. Prerequisites: NUTR 560N, U and V
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Term 2
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NUTR 560B |
Biochemistry of Nutrition
This course addresses the basic chemical and biological principles of living systems, with a focus on the relationship of structure to function, bioenergetics, enzyme kinetics and metabolism. Structures of interest will be amino acids/proteins, nucleic acids/DNA/RNA, lipids and carbohydrates. Prerequisite 4 credits of Introduction to Biochemistry or 8 credit of Organic Chemistry. Prerequisites: Nutr 560A and M
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NUTR 560E |
Assessment of Nutritional Status
This course will give students insight into clinical and laboratory procedures for evaluation of nutrient status, including blood, stool, and other tissue analyses, principles of functional assessment, dietary records, questionnaires, case histories, nutritional physical examinations, and anthropometric methods. Prerequisites: Nutr 560A and M
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Term 3
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NUTR 560C |
Vitamins and Minerals
This course will apply the basic sciences to understanding the principles of nutritional science, primarily as it relates to vitamins and minerals. This information will be used to explore the functions of the micronutrients and their roles in health promotion and disease processes. This course will also encourage and stimulate students to pursue information in the field of clinical nutrition and to develop the student’s ability to critically analyze such information. Prerequisites: Nutrition 560A, M, B and E
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NUTR 560G |
Lifelong Healing w/Food
This course focuses on the use of food as medicine in a variety of ways to facilitate health promotion and healing. The course covers the landscape of the US food system, the connection between mood and food, and food safety. The concepts of individualized food prescriptions and special and medical diets will be introduced and explored, including behavioral and cultural perspectives on nutrition planning. Prerequisites: Nutr 560A, B, E and M
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Term 4
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NUTR 560D |
Clinical Biochemistry
The course encapsulates the biochemistry of disorders arising from acid/base imbalance and the abnormal metabolism of the carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, amino acids, nucleic acids, bile pigments, vitamins and hormones. Inherited disorders of metabolism, the role of enzyme performance in prognosis of biochemical dysfunctions and the meaning and interpretations of clinical laboratory findings both traditional and functional are discussed. Prerequisites: Nutr 560A, M, B, E, C, and G
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NUTR 560H |
Developmental Nutrition
Nutritional considerations and health-related concerns throughout the life cycle are explored. Pregnancy, lactation, fetal, infancy, childhood, and adolescent growth and development are addressed in detail, in this context. Also considered is the etiology of nutrition-related disorders of adulthood and the elderly. Prerequisites: Nutr 560A, M, B, E, C, and G
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Term 5
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NUTR 560F |
Nutritional Therapeutics
This course will explore the importance that nutrition has in a multitude of disease states. The role various diets may play in health will be discussed. In addition to diet, other topics will include the importance of hydration, detoxification, and the use of supplements such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids, essential fatty acids, and herbal extracts. This course will include an understanding of the mechanism of action of various nutritional interventions, as well as the role it can play in helping to restore wellness. Prerequisites: Nutr 560A, M, B, E, C, G, D, and H
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NUTR 560K |
Virtual Clinic
This final semester course will incorporate critical thinking and scientific knowledge as you complete 4 monthly modules on clinical management online with different instructors. You will learn key skills in assessment, clinical test analysis, designing treatment plans for specific common health conditions, weight loss strategies and how to effectively start and grow your nutrition practice. Prerequisites: Nutr 560A, M, B, E, C, G, D, and H
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Approximately 2 months after completion of course work
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NUTR 600N |
Comprehensive Exam
This course allows access to the Comprehensive Exam, which assesses students’ mastery of the core curriculum in the MS in Nutrition program. It also provides student access to study guides to aid in preparation for the exam. The exam is available to eligible students for a 24-hour period once per semester. Successful completion of this exam is a requirement for graduation.
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Dual degree programs
MS Nutrition / Doctor of Chiropractic (DC)
UB’s School of Chiropractic allows you to pursue your MS in Human Nutrition while working on your Doctor of Chiropractic (DC) degree.
Fifth-semester Chiropractic students with a GPA of 2.75 or higher and a recommendation from the dean may enter the MS program. Students must complete 28 semester hours of required Nutrition courses to earn their MS degree.
Entry requirements
- Completed application (fee waived)
- Personal statement: Please discuss your specific interests and goals within the field of nutrition and your ability to thrive in a rigorous academic environment, including your strengths and potential challenges (approximately 500 words)
- Entry point: Begin the second term of the Nutrition program during your fifth semester in the Chiropractic program. To complete your MS and DC at the same time, you must take courses each semester (fall, spring, and summer).
- Transfer credits awarded: 16
- Credits required: 28
For more information about earning your dual degree in Nutrition and Chiropractic, please contact your academic advisor.
Advanced standing for PA students
University of Bridgeport Physician Assistant students can earn advanced standing in the MS in Nutrition program for several PA courses. Eligible students can take Nutrition core courses after completion of the PA program.
- Student must be in good academic standing and have a QPR of 2.75 or greater
- Completion of all coursework in PA program
- Apply to MS program during last semester of PA program coursework
Entry requirements
- Completed application (fee waived)
- Personal statement: Please discuss (in approximately 500 words) your specific interests and goals within the field of nutrition and your ability to thrive in a rigorous academic environment, including your strengths and potential challenges.
For more information about earning advanced standing, please contact your academic advisor.
View all courses offered and read full course descriptions in our online course catalog system.
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